Tuition and Expenses

By subsidizing some of the expenses for the semester, the program aims to make the costs of a semester in Paris equivalent to those of a semester on campus. Students should remember, however, that the cost of living abroad is affected by fluctuations in the value of the American dollar. All participants are sent a bill for the program fee, which covers: tuition, round-trip transportation on the group flight (students who choose to make their own travel arrangements are not charged for the group flight), housing and a meal allowance in Tours for the fall semester, room and partial board in Paris, a monthly food and transportation stipend, a cultural activities stipend, and numerous social and cultural activities organized by the program for no additional cost. The comprehensive fee for 2023-2024 is $42,142.50 per semester.

Students from institutions other than Vassar or Wesleyan also pay a $500 nonrefundable registration fee to confirm their place on the program.

Once they have moved into their long-term housing, which includes three dinners and all breakfasts per week provided by their hosts, students are provided with a transportation and food stipend to cover meals not included in the partial board plan and the monthly Paris transportation pass. Students pay for their own course books and materials, vacation trips, and daily expenditures. As mentioned above, the program provides each student with a stipend to defray the costs of participating in extracurricular activities like athletic teams, clubs, extra-curricular classes and cultural activities in French. The program also reimburses travel and activity costs in France from this stipend upon acceptance of a project submitted to the director and the completion of a post for the VWPP blog (in French) on their experience. The optional internship (« stages ») opportunities offered to each student are without additional cost. Each semester, the program surveys students to determine their average expenses beyond the program fee. This summary is included in the orientation materials and also will be sent to financial aid offices upon request.

Students receiving financial aid from Vassar or Wesleyan will continue to do so. They must sign all appropriate documents and arrange for all other loans and grants for the semester or year before leaving for Paris. Outside students should consult their office of financial aid before applying to the program. Scholarships are not always transferable and the VWPP cannot offer financial aid to students from institutions other than Vassar and Wesleyan. Student loans must be processed at the home institution.

Refund Policy
Tuition refunds are calculated based on the date of the student’s withdrawal from the program.